Frequently Asked Questions.
How do I cancel the order, I have placed.
Order can be canceled till the same is out for delivery. Note: This may not be applicable for certain logistics partner. You would see an option to cancel within ‘Orders’ section under the main menu of your Website/M-site then select the item or order you want to cancel. In case you are unable to cancel the order from’Orders’ section, you can refuse it at the time of delivery and refund will be processed into the source account, if order amount was paid online.
How will I detect fraudulent emails/calls seeking sensitive personal and confidential information.
If you receive an e-mail, a call from a person/association claiming to be from Morezon seeking sensitive confidential information like debit/credit card PIN, net-banking or mobile banking password, we request you to never provide such confidential and personal data. We at Morezon or our affiliate logistics partner never ask for such confidential and personal data. If you have already revealed such information, report it immediately to an appropriate law enforcement agency. Here are a couple of baits fraudsters often use to cheat consumers. Congratulations! You have been nominated as a ‘Top Morezon customer’ and are now eligible for a luxury gift item. Please share your proof of address and your debit/credit card details to avail this great offer. Hi, I’m calling from Morezon. We are happy to let you know that you have won an exclusive lucky draw coupon of Rs. 10000 on your latest purchase. Please share your credit/debit card number so we can credit the money directly into your bank account.
I have created a Return request. When will I get the refund.
Refund will be initiated upon successful pickup as per the Returns Policy. The refund amount is expected to reflect in the customer account within the following timelines:
1. NEFT – 1 to 3 business days post refund initiation
2. Online Refund – 7 to 10 days post refund initiation, depending on your bank partner
3. “PhonePe wallet” – Instant
Where should I self-ship the Returns.
You can send the return to any one of the following returns processing facilities listed below. Please ensure that you specify the name of the seller you purchased the products from (You can find the seller name on your order invoice) and dispatch the package to the address listed below. Kindly do not send it to any other address as the return package would not be treated as accepted.
Uttar Pradesh
Plot No. 14, Ashiyana Colony Nagina, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh-246762, India